Step 1 of 2Enter Your Contact Information

Personalised Data (with Contact Name)

I can register you now, I'll just verify I have the correct details for you…

Repeat First Name, Last Name & Company Name. Is that correct?

Thank you, can I please have your Phone Number and Email address?

Non-Personalised Data (No Contact Name)

Could you please let me know the following information and I'll start your registration? I will need your First Name, Last Name, Company Name.

Fill in the appropriate boxes whilst on the call. Please do not put Mr or Mrs in front of the first name. Please type in all information in proper case, and check the spelling with the attendee if you are unsure.

Industry *
Register your business partner, colleague or agency representative to attend with you. Please leave blank if not required.
Step 2 of 2Select Your Preferred Session

We have multiple daily sessions to choose from 9:30a.m., 11:00a.m., 12:30p.m., 2:00p.m., 3:30p.m., 5:00p.m., 6:30p.m.

The sessions will go for around one hour. Which works best for you?

Select the session the attendee has chosen.

To confirm your place to attend Omnia ADvantage, please nominate the day and session time most convenient for you.
Monday 23 September:
Tuesday 24 September:
Wednesday 25 September:
Thursday 26 September:
Friday 27 September:

Please be sure to select a session above before registering.

Privacy Statement

The personal information that Boost Media International Pty Limited (Boost) obtains from or about you is collected for the business purposes of staging an event and subsequently contacting you by telephone or email to notify you about any Boost or Media Prima Omnia entity events.

Our Privacy Policy details why we collect this personal information, who we may disclose it to (including whether we are likely to disclose it to overseas recipients), and the main consequences (if any) if we do not collect it. Our Privacy Policy also contains information about how you may seek access to, or correction of, the personal information held about you, and our complaint resolution procedures. Our Privacy Policy is available at or by request to us.

You may opt out of receiving telephone calls or emails from us at any time by emailing: [email protected].